Bourbon Tastes Like Shit v3 Scene 1


The stage is dimly lit.  We can just see a grizzled man in his 40’s, MATTHEW, seated at a small cocktail table, hunched over a bottle of bourbon.  He mutters.

 Hey Everyone, this week I’m publishing part of a play that I’ve been working on for a year now.  I know, I know, a year?  Really?  Well, yes.  I write a lot.  And rewriting is something I’m working on.  And rewriting is hard.  Anyway, this play is called Bourbon Tastes Like Shit, and if you haven’t already seen it, I posted a previous version of this scene online a while ago.  It’s a category of postings that you can access in the right hand side button section.  Feel free to comment and compare!

MATTHEW:  …centuries.  Shit.  I should be writing this down for posterity or…   …never want to see her again!  I told her, I told her…  You don’t make the rules.  I make the rules.  I make the rules…  how long, how long, how long…

MATTHEW continues muttering.  He raises his bottle and stares at it.

MATTHEW:  To death and forgetting.

MATTHEW bursts into laughter.  He takes a drink.  His laughter dies down.  He begins looking around himself.  A puzzled expression creeps onto his face.

MATTHEW:  You know what?  I don’t even know where the fuck I am.  How does that even happen?  It’s so quiet.  I wish someone was here.  No I don’t.  Yes I do.

Suddenly a light comes on upstage and we see LUKE, a slightly younger, cleaner looking man than MATTHEW.  He is standing there holding a drink.  He is looking at MATTHEW with a grin.

LUKE:  Holy shit.


LUKE:  Holy shit.

MATTHEW:  Who the hell are you?

LUKE:  Luke.  You don’t remember me?

MATTHEW:  No.  I know you?  How’d you get here?

LUKE:  Sure you know me.  And the sign said open.

MATTHEW:  The sign?

LUKE:  The sign on the door of the bar.

MATTHEW:  Bar?  Bar.  That’s right.  That’s right.  We’re in a bar.

LUKE:  You don’t remember me?

MATTHEW:  No.  Who are you?

LUKE makes his hand into the shape of a gun and points it as if afraid to squeeze the trigger.


LUKE:  That’s me.

MATTHEW:  Luke.  Holy shit, man!

LUKE:  You still remember that, huh?

LUKE repeats the hand/gun shape.  They both start laughing hysterically.

MATTHEW:  It’s been years, man.

LUKE:  That was the funniest.  That was the funniest shit, man.

MATTHEW:  Holy fuck.  I can’t believe I forgot about that.  You were like…

MATTHEW imitates LUKE, except MATTHEW makes a small gun noise, like a squeak.  The break into more laughter.

MATTHEW:  Goddamn, I needed a good laugh.  Goddamn, I really did.

LUKE:  It’s good to see you too.

The laughter dies down.  They look at each other for a moment, unsure of what to do.

MATTHEW:  Well, sit down man.

LUKE:  Thanks.

MATTHEW:  So what are you doing here?  I’ve never seen you here before.

LUKE:  Well, I’m not exactly sure, I just…  that’s weird, that’s so weird man, I’m not sure.  I was just driving.  But I was happy to find this place.  I really needed a drink.

MATTHEW:  You fucking said it.

LUKE:  God I need a break.  A clean break.  Wait.  Not a clean break.  Never mind.  I can’t believe I said that.  I’m sorry, I’m feel a little….

MATTHEW:  Loose?  Light?

LUKE:  Yeah, I don’t know, I guess this drink is stronger than I thought.  Whatever.  You come here a lot?

MATTHEW:  Yeah.  I practically live here.

LUKE:  Must be a good bar.

MATTHEW:  Well, it oughtta be, I own this place.

LUKE:  Oh.  It’s nice.

MATTHEW:  Thanks.


LUKE:  So, what’s up man?  How’s things goin’?

MATTHEW:  Oh, uh, you know.  You got older.

LUKE:  Yeah, time’s a bitch.

MATTHEW:  How’d you get so old?

LUKE:  What?


LUKE:  I… uh, guess I just got older.

Pause.  MATTHEW just looks at LUKE.  LUKE becomes uncomfortable.

LUKE:  So…  How are you?  How’s things?

MATTHEW:  Yeah, time’s a bitch man.

LUKE:  Heh.  Yeah.  You know, you don’t look a day older.

MATTHEW:  Yeah, I know.  I took care of time.

MATTHEW makes his hand into the shape of a gun, then points it and confidently fires.’  MATTHEW begins laughing again.  He looks at LUKE expecting him to join in the join.  LUKE doesn’t.

LUKE:  Right.  So…  how are—

MATTHEW:  You got older though.

LUKE:  Yeah.  It happens to all of us.

MATTHEW:  Not to me.  I took care of time.  Remember.

LUKE:  Yeah, that’s getting old man.  Get it?


LUKE:  That joke is getting old.  Just like… we’re getting older…


LUKE tries to laugh it off, but it sounds stunted and strange.

LUKE:  Are you feeling okay, man?  You seem a little…

MATTHEW:  Why do you keep asking me that?

LUKE:  I just want to know how you’re doing.

MATTHEW:  What the fuck do you care?

LUKE:  Uh…

MATTHEW:  Oh, you think you’ll just ask me how I’m doing and I’ll tell you and everything is fine?  Those aren’t the rules.

LUKE:  Uh..

MATTHEW:  Everything is fine?  What if I say something fucked up?  What if I say something like, ‘my wife is dying?’

LUKE:  Whoa.

MATTHEW:  What would you say then?  What would we have accomplished by admitting that fact?

LUKE:  You’re wife is dying?

MATTHEW:  No, she isn’t, but she could be.

LUKE:  Whoa.

MATTHEW:  I don’t want to talk about it.

LUKE:  I’m sorry.

MATTHEW:  Yeah, it’s a touchy subject, you know, it’s hard to talk about it.

LUKE:  It’s cool.  We don’t have to—



MATTHEW:  I’m sorry.  My wife thinks I should talk about it with people, you know, so it becomes more of a reality, but I say fuck reality, you know.  What did reality ever fucking do for me?


LUKE:  I’m sorry.

MATTHEW:  Yeah, it’s terrible.  I took care of time, but time…

MATTHEW repeats the hand/gun shape.  He shoots his foot and begins laughing.

MATTHEW:  Sometimes you just…  (repeats shooting himself in the foot gesture)  What can you do?


LUKE:  Hey, you can drink.

MATTHEW:  Fucking-A.  You can drink.

They raise their glasses.

MATTHEW:  To death and forgetting.

They drink.

MATTHEW:  To mud and diamonds.

They drink.

LUKE:  To fucking!

MATTHEW:  To fucking?

LUKE:  Just fucking drink.

MATTHEW/LUKE:  To fucking!

They drink.

LUKE:  To forgetting about women!


LUKE:  I don’t know why I said that.  Goddamn, this drink must be really hitting me.  What you put in these drinks?  Valium?

MATTHEW:  Good ol’ American liquor and nothing more.

They drink and they laugh.

MATTHEW:  God I love bourbon.

LUKE:  Bourbon tastes like shit.

MATTHEW:  Well, that’s why I drink it.

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